I2C 6.0 Verification IP
Truechip's I2C Verification IP provides an effective & efficient way to verify the components interfacing with I2C interface of an IP or SoC. Truechip's I2C VIP is fully compliant with Rev. 6 of I2C specifications from Philips. This VIP is a light weight VIP with easy plug-and-play interface so that there is no hit on the design cycle time.
- Fully compliant with Rev. 6 of the I2C-Bus Specification and backward compatible upto 2.1 version
- Full I2C Master and Slave functionality
- Master Transmitter/Master Receiver
- Slave Transmitter/Slave Receiver
- START, repeat START and STOP for all possible transfers
- Supports all Speed Modes: Standard Speed Mode (upto 100 kb/s), Fast Speed Mode (upto 400 kb/s), Fast Speed Mode.
- Plus (upto 1Mb/s) and High Speed Mode (upto 3.4 Mb/s), Ultra fast mode (upto 5Mb/s).
- Supports 7-Bit and 10-Bit addressing format.
- Allows testing of varied bus traffic for Read, Write, General Call.
- Supports scoreboard feature for end to end data integrity check.
- Notifies the Testbench of significant events such as transactions, warnings, and protocol errors.
- Built in I2C Bus Monitor provides extensive protocol checking.
- Supports Multi-Master and Multi-Slave system.
- Supports Arbitration and Clock Synchronization.
- Supports START Byte, Device ID, Bus Clear and Clock Stretching.
- Supports various error injection and detection.
- Provides verification scalability using functional coverage.
- Provides logging facility for bus traffic in the ASCII format and in user configurable mode.
- Supports Callback in Master and Slave.
- Supports timing checks in the Monitor.
- Supports UVM_RAL Model.
- Supports CCI mode.
- Supports transaction logging with detailed description of each transfer.
- I2C Master / Slave Agent
- I2C Monitor and Score board
- Test Environment & Test Suite :
- Basic and Directed Protocol Tests
- Random Tests
- Error Scenario Tests
- Assertions & Cover Point Tests
- Integration Guide, User Manual and Release Notes